Training and Coaching

Learn and Apply Revenue Growth Knowledge, Skills and Procedures With Precision!

Use Rick To Energize and Develop Your Revenue Growth Knowledge and Skills 


Formulate, execute and evaluate strategy

Sales Conversations

Facilitating buyers through the exchange of information

Sales Manager

Hire, onboard, evaluate coaching and compensate

Selling Skills

Acquire, retain, cross-sell and win-back customers

Career Development

Manage yourself, a project, department, company, board

Rick uses three decades of revenue growth experience and lessons learned from the Fortune 500, middle market, small caps, and start-ups to coach and train executives, sales managers and salespeople. He offers one time programs for conferences events and meetings. But, for the best result he prefers shorter, more frequent sessions spread throughout each year.

Rick is a great fit for you and your company if you are passionate about:

  • Connecting People so their collective knowledge, skills, experience and wisdom can be used to achieve great things.
  • Transmitting Energy so people are inspired to see the possibilities, seize the initiative, and control the tempo of their efforts.
  • Embracing Friction so people can have their voices heard, achieve greater situational awareness, and feel respected.
  • Simplifying Complexity so people can gain context, know what to do, and execute with passion rather than emotion.
  • Celebrating Inquisitiveness so a better way can be found and dreams are brought to life.

Lets work together to build revenue growth knowledge, skills, practices, and enthusiasm!

Rick delivers practical and actionable training…and his global network. People say it’s not “what you know”, “but who you know”, in Rick’s case it’s both. Rick is the only person I know out there that is focused on this subject and providing advice/training on how to institutionalize across companies.

Scott Gillum

CEO, Carbon Design

Each program offers Five Levels of Learning Outcomes that can be customized to your participants and situation.

  • Level 1 Briefings to understand the concepts (1-2 hours)
  • Level 2 Workshops to learn steps for implementing the concept  (3-4 hours per per concept)
  • Level 3 Series of Workshops to practice implementing each concept (4-8 hours per concept)
  • Level 4 Coaching Sessions to ensure that each concept is consistently and continuously implemented (individual or small group cohorts)
  • Level 5 Train-the-Trainer Workshops to develop facilitation skills to facilitate all five levels  As they say “they best way to learn is to teach.”

All programs can be delivered in person or virtually.

I have never worked with an executive that had a better combination of business passion, process orientation, networking commitment, and entrepreneurial strength. Rick is an asset when developing next generation leaders and salespeople.

John Albanese

Area Vice President, ExaGrid

Executive Coaching and Training

Many companies train their executives and managers on how to manage behaviors, personality types, motivation, emotional intelligence and culture fit. But what about their technical knowledge, skills, and procedures for formulating, executing and evaluating strategy?

Rick translated The Principles of Strategic Management into a practical set of “how to” instructions for coaching and training:

  • Underperforming executives and managers (individuals or cohorts)
  • New executives and managers (individuals or cohorts)
  • Next generation executives and managers (individuals or cohorts)
  • Refresher training for leadership teams (company or department)
  • Post Merger Integration (individuals, company or department)

Let’s work together to train your executives and managers how to grow revenue with precision – – effectively, efficiently and predictably.

Formulate Strategy

  • Strategic Intent including your purpose (mission), core values and behaviors, goals (vision) and strategic initiatives.
  • Strategic Plans including product, services, geographic, industry, customer use cases, pricing, competitors and customers.
  • Forecasts including revenue, work activities, productivity, staffing levels, and expense requirements.
  • Organization Structure including holding company, operating company, business unit, department, job descriptions.

Execute Strategy

  • Procedures including operational, tactical and activities.
  • Work Management Technology that enable employees across every stage of the customer life cycle.
  • People Management Practices for hiring, onboarding, training, evaluating, and compensating employees.
  • Knowledge Transfer of work instructions and policies, as well product/service, pricing, competitor and other sales information.

Evaluate Strategy

  • Data Tracking including fields, hierarchies, naming conventions, completion and storage.
  • Data Analysis including interpretation, gap identification and process improvement prioritization.
  • Data Organization and Reporting hierarchies so executives, managers and employees have a consistent view of data and analysis.
  • Improvement Action Plans with specific accountability, actions, deadlines, expected outcomes, and expenses.

Rick brings energy, organization, and leadership and an inspiring work ethic. He provides a strong example of what a sales professional is. The management and sales concepts he teaches can be applied immediately to daily sales efforts.

Lorri Kissell

Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Audit Solutions

Sales Conversation Coaching and Training

Facilitating buyers through the exchange of information during sales conversations is a complex endeavor. Complexity increases when salespeople lack the technical knowledge and facilitating skills to guide buyers through their purchasing process. Rick energizes, coaches and trains:

  • New salespeople (individuals or cohorts)
  • Underperforming salespeople (individuals or cohorts)
  • Refresher training for entire sales teams
  • Post merger integration 

Let’s work together to coach, train and provide your salespeople and team the tools they need to enthusiastically grow revenue.

Opening A Sales Conversation

  • Selecting the right buyer problem to discuss
  • Building rapport
  • Confirming buyer responsibilities

Conducting Buyer Needs Investigation

  • Investigating the buyers Situation, Problem, Impact of Problem, and Need to pay-off or justify a solution
  • Validating buyers priorities

Demonstrating Offers, Products and Services

  • Selecting the right products, services and applications
  • Remembering what explanations to provide
  • Validating buyer understanding and agreement
  • Answering buyer questions

Preparing and Presenting Proposals

  • Capturing buyer requirements
  • Calculating pricing and discounts
  • Presenting proposals

Negotiating Terms and Conditions

  • Pricing and discounts
  • Risk
  • Total cost of solution
  • Other

Handling Objections

  • Competitor comparisons
  • Need to get approval
  • No budget
  • Using competitor
  • And unique objections to your situation

I have never worked with an executive that had a better combination of business passion, process orientation, networking commitment, and entrepreneurial strength. Rick is an asset when developing next generation leaders and salespeople.

John Albanese

Area Vice President, ExaGrid

Sales Management Coaching and Training

For a sales team to execute with precision – – effectively, efficiently and predictably, sales managers need to hire, onboard, evaluate, compensate and coach salespeople. Rick energizes, coaches and trains:

  • Underperforming sales managers (individual or cohort)
  • New sales managers (individual or cohort)
  • Next generation sales managers (individual or cohort)
  • Refresher training for regional or entire sales teams
  • Post merger integration

Let’s work together to energize and develop your sales management capability.

Hire Top Performing Salespeople

  • Source job candidates
  • Screen job candidates
  • Interview job candidates
  • Make job offers

Onboard New Salespeople

  • Company orientation
  • Product and service training
  • Pricing and discount model training
  • Sales conversation management approach
  • CRM and work management technology

Evaluate Performance of Salespeople

  • Sales activities
  • Sales results
  • Sales mindset

Compensate Salespeople

  • Base compensation
  • Incentive compensation
  • Rewards and recognition

Coach Salespeople

  • Underperformers
  • Average performers
  • Top performers

Rick understands the power of networking and career development. He teaches you and your team a thought provoking approach to planning your career, using advice meetings, building relationships, and holding employees accountable for their professional development.

Darren Docherty

Division President, Ag Pro Companies

Salespeople Coaching and Training

To close a sales, salespeople must combine sales knowledge and skills while executing sales procedures with precision – – effectively, efficiently and predictably. Rick energizes, coaches and trains:

  • Underperforming salespeople (individuals or cohorts)
  • New salespeople (individuals or cohorts)
  • Refresher training for regional or entire sales teams
  • Post merger integration

Let’s work together to upgrade your selling knowledge and skills.

Networking & Relationship Management Skills

  • Adding new people to your network
  • Engaging people in your network
  • Extracting value from your network
  • Using technology to network

Selling Skills

  • Prospecting
  • Appointment Setting
  • Negotiating
  • Objection Handling

Sales Conversation Management Skills

  • Opening sales conversations
  • Facilitating needs investigation
  • Demonstrating offerings
  • Presenting proposals
  • Negotiating
  • Objection handling

Time Management Skills

  • Productive selling time
  • Non-productivy selling time
  • Territory management

Rick’s guidance led to rapid growth. He’s an invaluable mentor and guide that helped us navigate the complexities of growing multiple SaaS companies. His proactive approach and emphasis on staying ahead of challenges significantly reduced stress and drove productivity. Rick changed our approach to building and leading our company.

Archie Heinl

Founder and CEO, Double A Solutions

Career Development and Succession Planning

Revenue Growth creates an insatiable need for team leaders, managers, directors and vice presidents. This program simultaneously builds a strong pool of future leaders and helps executives, managers and all employees take accountability for their career development.

Though personal and/or 360 degree assessments participants build awareness of their current skill levels. Through action planning it focuses participants on their 1-year, 2-3 year, and 5-year career development goals including skills required to

  • Manage Yourself including self-awareness, time management, stress management, relationship building, managing upward, and action planning.
  • Manage a Project or Team including scheduling, communication, coaching, performance evaluation, conflict resolution, compensation administration, and problem solving.
  • Manage a Department including strategic planning, financial fundamentals, initiative prioritization, management reporting, cross-function relationships, delegation of authority, process management, and staff development.
  • Manage a Company including diplomacy, visioning and context for change, building commitment and ownership, balancing stability with innovation, strategic management process, succession planning, culture and value management, and information management.
  • Manage a Board of Directors including board structure and management, financial structure, audit and disclosures, executive compensation, risk, legal and ethical standards, officer succession and CEO performance evaluation.

Let’s work together to deploy a career development and succession planning program that supports your revenue growth plans.

Career Development Plan Training

  • What is career planning?
  • Setting personal goals
  • Action planning
  • Tracking results

Career Development Plan Development

  • Underperformers
  • Next generation leaders
  • Post merger integration

360 Degree Feedback

  • Boss
  • Peers
  • Subordinates

Cohort Training Programs

  • Skill gap analysis across company
  • Training plan development
  • Implementation of training plan
  • Tracking results