
Pinpoint Gaps In Revenue Growth Knowledge, Skills, and Procedures

Evaluate Revenue Growth Knowledge, Skills and Procedures

(Rick does not evaluate behavior, personality, motivation, emotional intelligence or culture fit)

Strategic Management Assessments

Plans, Procedures, Executives and Managers (knowledge and skills)

Sales Conversation Management Assessment

Customer Acquisition, Upselling, Crossing Selling and Win-backs

Sales Management Assessments

Underperformers, New Managers, and Job Candidates

Salespeople Assessments

Underperformers, New Hires, and Job Candidates

Many companies evaluate their executives, managers and salespeople on behaviors, personality, motivation, emotional intelligence and culture fit. But what about their technical knowledge, skills, and procedures to drive sustainable revenue growth? With over three decades of strategic, product, marketing and sales management experience across the Fortune 500, middle market, small cap, and start-ups, Rick delivers assessments that include:

  • Briefings on the assessment framework
  • Online Self-Assessments that are quick to complete
  • Focus Group Assessments to dig deeper into and clarify problem areas
  • One-on-One Interviews to uncover hidden truths and agendas
  • Document Assessment to determine if they exist, are complete and are used
  • Report with priorities and recommendations

Lets work together to evaluate your revenue growth knowledge, skills and procedures.

Assessments for Sales Teams and Sales Managers

Rick can identify the point of pain quickly. Very motivating personality, able to work with all professional levels within a company. He energizes change.

Dr. Tanja Emmerling

Partner / Head of Berlin Office, High-Tech Grunderfonds

Strategic Management Assessments

How confident are you in your company’s approach to and your executives and managers knowledge and skills for:

Formulating Strategy including:

  • Strategic Intent including your purpose (mission), core values and behaviors, goals (vision) and strategic initiatives.
  • Strategic Plans including product, services, geographic, industry, customer use cases, pricing, competitors and customers.
  • Forecasts including revenue, work activities, productivity, staffing levels, and expense requirements.
  • Organization Structure including holding company, operating company, business unit, department, job descriptions.

Executing Strategy including:

  • Procedures including operational, tactical and activities.
  • Work Management Technology that enable employees across every stage of the customer life cycle.
  • People Management Practices for hiring, onboarding, training, evaluating, and compensating employees.
  • Knowledge Transfer of work instructions and policies, as well product/service, pricing, competitor and other sales information.

Evaluating Strategy including:

  • Data Tracking including fields, hierarchies, naming conventions, completion and storage.
  • Data Analysis including interpretation, gap identification and process improvement prioritization.
  • Data Organization and Reporting hierarchies so executives, managers and employees have a consistent view of data and analysis.
  • Improvement Action Plans with specific accountability, actions, deadlines, expected outcomes, and expenses.

Rick translated The Principles of Strategic Management into a practical guide for evaluating your strategic management capability, knowledge and skills. His clients refer to it as The Armature Framework.

Let’s work together to evaluate your strategic management capability.

Underperforming Executives and Managers

  • Individual executives and managers
  • Company leadership team
  • Business unit leadership team
  • Department leadership team

Next Generation Leaders

  • Individual executives and managers
  • Cohorts

Job Candidates Technical Assessment

  • Executives
  • Managers

Company Assessment

  • Formulate strategy
  • Execute strategy
  • Evaluate strategy

Business Unit Assessment

  • Formulate strategy
  • Execute strategy
  • Evaluate strategy

Department Assessment

  • Formulate strategy
  • Execute strategy
  • Evaluate strategy

Rick’s assessment transformed our process. His guidance, insight and persistence changed our entire sales, marketing and go to makret strategy for the better. Rick has a keen understanding of revenue growth strategy and sales pschology helped us understand what we were and how we needed to communicate it to our customers and other constituencies. The results were “measurably” beyond our expectations. I cannot reccomend Rick and what he does strongly enough.

David Fournier

Private Equity Investor, Peregrine Advisors

Sales Conversation Management Assessment

To close a sale, salespeople must facilitate the exchange of information with buyers during sales conversations with precision – – effectively, efficiently and predictably when:

  • Acquiring new customers
  • Onboarding new customers
  • Retaining and upselling existing customers
  • Cross-selling
  • Winning back past customers

This requires salespeople to possess deep product knowledge and understand how to apply it when:

  • Opening a sales conversation
  • Conducting needs investigation
  • Demonstrating offerings
  • Preparing and presenting proposals
  • Negotiating terms and conditions
  • Handling objections throughout the conversation

Let’s work together to assess your entire sales team, a region, individual salespeople and job candidates for sales positions.

Sales Conversation Management Skills

  • Job Candidates for sales positions
  • Underperforming salespeople
  • All salespeople

Sales Conversation Management Tools

  • Entire sales department
  • Sales region
  • Sales team

Rick helped us focus on effective sales and marketing processes to improve our presence in non-traditional markets. I really appreciated the strategic thinking and thoughtful assessments and plans that Rick brought to the table to grow our business. I would highly recommend Rick to any business leader looking for someone to help them assess and grow their business.

Frank Cielo

Director US High Power Labs, KEMA Labs

Sales Management Assessment

The Principles of Human Resource Management provide a practical guide for Auditing sales management procedures, documents, understanding and application. They’re also used for Assessing the degree to which individual sales managers, high potential future sales managers, and job candidates possess the knowledge and skills required to:

  • Hire top performing salespeople
  • Onboard new salespeople
  • Evaluate performance of sales activities and results
  • Compensate and Reward salespeople
  • Train salespeople in selling skills and work procedures
  • Coach underperforming salespeople

Let’s work together to assess your entire sales management team, a region and/or individual sales managers.

Sales Management Skills

  • Job Candidates for sales management positions
  • Underperforming sales managers
  • High potential future sales managers

Sales Management Practices

  • Entire sales department
  • Sales region
  • Sales team

Rick and I collaborated at various points over the years. In each of our dealings, I have found Rick to be a talented leader who understands how to assess executives, managers and salespeople. Rick delivers superior insights and has been an asset. Rick has a knack for calmly guiding companies through inflection points in their growth curve.

David Bernstein

Principal, RLS Associates

Salespeople Assessments

To close a sales, salespeople must combine sales knowledge and skills with sales procedures with precision – – effectively, efficiently and predictably.

This requires salespeople to possess deep understanding of and the ability to apply many skills including:

  • Sales Conversation Management
  • Selling Skills
  • Lead Generation Skills
  • Referral Management Skills
  • Time and Territory Management Skills
  • Networking and Relationship Building Skills

Let’s work together to assess your entire sales team, a region, individual salespeople and job candidates for sales positions.

Networking & Relationship Management Skills

  • Adding new people to your network
  • Engaging people in your network
  • Extracting value from your network
  • Using technology to network

Selling Skills

  • Prospecting
  • Appointment Setting
  • Negotiating
  • Objection Handling

Sales Conversation Management Skills

  • Opening sales conversations
  • Facilitating needs investigation
  • Demonstrating offerings
  • Presenting proposals
  • Negotiating
  • Objection handling

Time Management Skills

  • Productive selling time
  • Non-productivy selling time
  • Territory management