Meet Rick

A Revenue Growth Enthusiast, Speaker, Facilitator, Trainer, Coach, and Fractional Executive

Early in my career, I was confused and frustrated. Managers gave conflicting assignments without considering the cause-and-effect implications on time, money and morale. They seemed to focus on themselves and advancing their careers.

So, I used The Threads of Connectivity networking and relationship building approach to find a management position with a different company. But I found the same situation. This increased my frustration and stress. I almost became another victim of poor management and leadership.

But I didn’t.

Instead, it fueled my enthusiasm to find a better way to manage the Uncomfortable Leadership Moments that block revenue growth and destroy careers. So, I began a lifelong journey to meet with experts, benchmark other companies, analyze lessons learned, and study management and leadership models. I didn’t know it at the time, but I was cultivating a teachable framework that stops management from wasting time, money, and morale while pursuing revenue growth.

Along the way, I discovered TheNaviGuide, a knowledge transfer tool for instant product, pricing, and selling skill application during sales conversations.

Today, I show organizations how to develop Revenue Growth Capabilities and Enthusiasm!

Rick Longenecker Is…

An Enthusiastic Consultant

Following a successful career as a Fortune 500 executive, Rick has spent the past two decades helping entrepreneurs, executives and investors from over 250-companies, in 35-industries, in 7-countries solve complex:

  • Strategic Challenges including new product development, start-ups, market expansion, turnarounds, business model transformation, M&A due diligence, and post-merger integration.
  • Operational Challenges including lead and referral generation, appointment setting, new customer acquisition, customer onboarding, fulfilment, service, renewals, up-selling, cross-selling, winning back past customers, and getting channel partners to sell.
  • Management Challenges including planning, forecasting, organization structure, job design, change management, hiring and onboarding employees, compensation planning, performance evaluation, coaching, and development of next generation leaders.

An Enthusiastic Executive

Rick has lead teams ranging from 2 to 1,200 employees, in multiple industries and locations around the world. Some examples include:

  • Restructuring a $10M SaaS holding company.
  • Merger Integration of three acquisitions into a $125M research/big data company.
  • Expansion of a professional services firm from $1M to $12M in revenue.
  • Restructuring a 300+ marketing, sales and service team.
  • Starting companies in multiple industries.
  • Innovating multiple new products, services and processes.

An Enthusiastic Connector

Rick is a thought leader in the realm of networking and is obsessed with building lifelong relationships from his experience:

  • Living in Metro New York City, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Detroit, Minneapolis, Toledo; and working in Europe, South American and Canada; working in Europe and the Middle East.
  • Networking with over 10,000 people around the world to identify market trends, gather competitive intel, share best practices, capture lessons learned, build partnerships, and generate revenue.
  • Involvement with associations including the Associated for Corporate Growth (ACG), National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD), Financial Executives International (FEI), Special Information Publishers Association (SIPA), Human Resource Planning Society (HRPS),

An Enthusiastic Volunteer

Everyday Rick can be found:

  • Serving on the board of directors of his high school and college alumni association.
  • Developing relationships with fellow alumnae around the world.
  • Advising student organizations, fraternities and sororities at multiple colleges.
  • Mentoring high school and college students around the United States.
  • Leading causes like Chuck Ealey’s Undefeated Spirit Foundation and The Luken T. Boyle Campaign For Kindness.

An Enthusiastic Father and Husband 

Rick is married to his high school sweetheart and together they:

  • Have been married for nearly three decades.
  • Raised their daughter and son in New Jersey, a few miles from New York City.
  • Are proud their children both attended their college alma mater, The University of Toledo.
  • Love that their daughter joined Debbie’s sorority (Chi Omega) and their son joined Rick’s fraternity (Kappa Delta Rho).
  • Are grateful to have Ian as their son-in-law!